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Back9ers use their own unique handicapping system. All members must adhere to our rules and handicaps.


D. Handicaps and Results
1. The maximum allowable handicap for a male is 24. 

2. Handicaps will be adjusted based on the results from the last event played.

3. Players must declare their club handicap to the Society at the start of a season. Their season starting handicap will be the lower of their club or society handicaps. 

4. The following rules and scale will be used to adjust handicaps, Additional cutting will be at the discretion of the Handicapper:

  • Handicap Cuts will apply to winners and any score above 36 points as follows:

36 points      = 1 shot cut.

37-40 points = 2 shot cut.

41-44 points = 3 shot cut

45 or more   = 4 shots cut.

Handicap Adjustments will be applied to all players based on Stableford points scored.

Stableford score. 


Handicap addition

0 - 23                   3 shots

24 - 27                 2 shots

28 - 31                 1 shots

32 - 35                 0 shots

5. In the event of a tied result the following will apply.


Count back will be used to determine the winner.

  • Back 9 score

  • Front 9 score

  • Even Holes score

  • Un-even holes score



2018 Back9ers Golf Society

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