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BACK9ERS GOLF SOCIETY is a friendly and welcoming Golf Society for those who enjoy the social side of golf as well as a bit of friendly competition.


Our members are mainly players who have moved from Southern Africa to the United Kingdom and the friends they have made here in the U.K.


We will always extend a warm welcome to players from the U.K. and other countries as one of our aims is to integrate into the fabric of the U.K. society.


We cater for golfers of all handicaps, however, we also have our own unique handicapping system, so why not get in touch?


At each event our Fines Master will dish out fines of 1 pint of ale, for any reported (by the players on the day) golf misdemeanours on the course – you have been warned!


Within the site you will find information regarding current membership, contact information and handicaps as well as committee contacts, a society notice board, information about upcoming events, results of events & Order of Merit table.


There is also a Gallery area for pictures and a Roll of Honour Board.


To Navigate your way around the site please use the links available on the top, left and on the footer of each page


We hope to secure events at some of the wonderful and challenging golf courses in the U.K. It is also our intention to hold an annual event at a European Country i.e Portugal, Spain, France etc.


Eric Simpson

2018 Back9ers Golf Society

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